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National Security 

Every American should feel safe in this within the borders of this country. We have an obligation to defend our citizens from all foreign, domestic and virtual threats. 

How do we accomplish this? 

  • Establish cybersecurity standards and certifications to increase the security of digital transactions and information sharing to facilitate action against cybersecurity vulnerabilities and exploitation 

  • Expand the role of the Department of Homeland Security in protecting the digital infrastructure

  • Implement federal legislation establishing uniform regulations regarding the collection and use of personal information

  • Mandate the Federal Breau of Investigations update and maintain the Domestic Terrorism List to include organizations and individuals confirmed to have committed acts of terror to vulnerable groups

  • Increase our engagement in the United Nations and support the increased U.N. authorization to resolve conflict among nations

  • Call for a global ban on the use and production of all nuclear weapons

What else do you think we should do to increase national security in America?

I'm always looking for innovative ideas. Let's connect.

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